Tour Guide


Many visitors attend various functions at The Unviersity of Wisconsin - La Crosse. High school students and parents visit the campus at various times of year, others visit for conferences or sports activities. This project will develop a smart-phone app that will allow a visitor to take video of any scene on campus and have this video overlayed with a) directions to a certain building or b) listen to a narrated description of the visualized scene. This project will use a hybrid strategy of image-similarity and appearance-based recognition strategies to identify scenes.

Appearance-based localization

In appearance-based localization, scenes are not represented explicitly as geometric models, but are represented implicitly as a database of reference images or image-features that are collected at known positions. These images a collected apriori during a training phase and pre-processed for optimized lookups. To identify the location of a person viewing a smartphone image of a scene in the database, the smart-phone image features are extracted and compared against those in the reference database. Localization in this way is an active area of research that involves cross-cutting expertise in image processing, artificial intelligence, and algorithmic design.

Figure 1 shows an image along with a feature-set extracted with the Fab-Map technique. These features are then compared against a database of features collected at some earlier time; such that the location and of the person taking the photo; along with the direction in which the person is looking can be determined with reasonable accuracy.

Figure 1 : Features

The Fab-Map technique is robust in the presence of occlusions and dynamic scene changes. Figure 2 illustrates that the algorithm is able to perform a highly confident localization between two sets of images having significantly different actors within the scenes themselves.

Figure 2 : Robustness

The Project : Write an Android App

This project will create an Android app that performs localizaton along with providing narrations and directions to goal locations. The system is expected to be web-based; requiring server interaction to a) store the reference database, b) compute similarity rankings, and c) stream narration or other localization data to the handheld device.


  1. Mark Cummins and Paul Newman, "Accelerating FAB-MAP with Concentration Inequalities", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, December 6, 2010, Volume 26.
  2. Mark Cummins and Paul Newman, Open Source FAB-MAP 2.0