The Art of Digital Image Processing

© Kenny Hunt,

Additional Excercises for Chapter 4

  1. File formats and BufferedImages
    Use Pixel Jelly to open each of the image files below. For each image you should determine the file format used, the number of bands, the color depth of each band, and the image type (i.e. INT_RGB) as reported by Pixel Jelly's information window. Also comment on whether knowing the file format allows one to predict either the number of bands, color depth or image type of the BufferedImage that Java creates.

  2. Indexed Images
    Use Pixel Jelly to invert each of the images below. Describe the results and also discuss why inversion fails to produce correct results on one of the images. Generalize your discussion to describe when image filtering is likely to fail on images of a particular type.

  3. Image types
    Use Pixel Jelly to convert the image below int a color image, a grayscale image, and a binary image. When converting to binary, you should use a fixed threshold of 127 from within the threshold tab. Also, convert the binary image into grayscale and then color. Give a snapshot of each image in your report and also indicate the type of image (i.e. INT_RGB) as reported in the information window of Pixel Jelly.